News & Events
Bioprocessing Separations Consortium Participates in 2021 BETO Peer Review
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) hosted the virtual 2021 Project Peer Review from March 8-12; March 15‒16; and March 22‒26, 2021. Projects in BETO’s research and development portfolio were presented to the public and reviewed by external subject-matter experts from… Read More
Separations Consortium Publishes Three-Year Overview of Technical Advances, Process Economics Influence, and State of the Science
Separations Consortium researchers publish a report detailing the Consortium’s advancement of science and technology related to bioprocessing separations from 2016-2019. The Consortium’s research and development leveraged three core capabilities: i) materials development and evaluation, ii) process development, and iii) analysis and computation to address four… Read More
Separations Consortium Researchers Demonstrate Method to Promote Water-Splitting in Electrochemical Separations
Electrochemical separations offer competitive advantages for the recovery of bio-based fuel and chemical precursors via selective extraction. Electrodeionization (EDI) is a hybrid technology that combines electrodialysis and ion-exchange technologies into a single unit operation using ion-exchange phenomena and an applied electric field to drive… Read More
Separations Consortium Researchers Publish Manuscript Reporting Innovative Resin Wafer Materials for Selective Separations
Electrodeionization (EDI) is a selective separations technology that incorporates ion exchange (IEX) resins and membranes into an electrochemical process. Ionic separation is electrically driven and occurs through IEX membranes with ions being drawn to their respective electrode. The IEX resin beads provide 2 key functions:… Read More
EZ Select Attracts Undesirables to Benefit Biomanufacturing
A frothy stout, a hearty loaf of bread, a pungent cheese; each the stuff of life, each created by naturally occurring microorganisms. Defined universally as brewing, baking and caseiculture (OK, cheese making), they are examples of what, today, we call biomanufacturing. While you may not… Read More