Electrodeionization (EDI) is a selective separations technology that incorporates ion exchange (IEX) resins and membranes into an electrochemical process. Ionic separation is electrically driven and occurs through IEX membranes with ions being drawn to their respective electrode. The IEX resin beads provide 2 key functions: 1) enhancing ion transport by increasing conductivity in the process water channels and 2) facilitating continuous regeneration of the IEX resins. This work reports a new class of IEX resin wafer (RW) materials that were fabricated with ion-conductive binders and exhibit exceptional ionic conductivities: 3 to 5 times greater in comparison to conventional RWs that contain a non-ionic polyethylene binder. Incorporation into an EDI stack (RW-EDI) resulted in an increased deionization rate and reduced energy consumption compared to the conventional RWs. This work was a collaborative effort between Argonne National Laboratory (Lauren Valentino and Yupo Lin) and Louisiana State University (Varada Menon Palakkal, Qi Lei, Subarna Kole, and Christopher G. Arges). More details.